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This is the public learning blog for me, SudoMistress. The intent is to blog what I have learned each day regarding Linux, Gaming, CSS, JS, TypeScript, Astro, HTML, SASS, React, etc.

About Me

ChatGPT thinks this is the site's avatar

ChatGPT thinks this is what the site's avatar looks like based on what I write about. To me, it's the adorable Tux that sells it.

I’m a teacher and developer. I was a host on Host DNIStream. I have a few nicknames: Rogue Verbal Alchemist, Darth Secruitas, SudoNimh, and SudoMistress. I’m a gamer, a dog mom, and a wife. I’m also a security and a privacy advocate. I am the FC Mom for Aspects of Love, a FFXIV company. Love is my goddess, and hope that every action I take, every choice I may, helps to spread that to others.

I love reading. I have a small obsession with two authors in specific: Auryn Hadley and Kitty Cox.

Computer games I enjoy: FFXIV, Warframe, Satisfactory, Placid Plastic Duck Simulator, Scene Investigators, The Planet Crafter, Space Engineers, Astro Colony, Ixion,Warhammer Darktide, Path of Exile, Palia, No Man’s Sky, Grim Dawn, Elden Ring, Death’s Stranding, Balder’s Gate 3, Age of Wonders, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 4, Skyrim, Age of Wonders, Civ V…to name a few. Just go look at my Steam Profile.

Tabletop games I enjoy: Eldrich Horror, Mansion of Madness, Betrayal at House on the Hill, Gloom, Into the Woods, Sherlock Holmes Consulting Dectective… basically any game that is coop with some slight exceptions.

Tech Stack

Happily using the Astro Paper theme by satnaing.


I collect a huge amount of links to sites that I use on and off for a variety of tasks. This list contains some that you may find helpful.


AstroAstro Documentation
TailwindCSSTailwindCSS Documentation
ObsidianOrganized note taking
Railway, Supabase, Airtable, PlanetScaleDatabase SaaS
Plausible, MatomoPrivacy Focused Analytics
Exploit DB, NVD, CVE Mitre, AttackerKBVulnerability Research
MaltegoOSINT Tool
Utopia, SmolCSS, ModernCSSCSS


LamprayLinux Application Modding Platform. A native Linux mod manager.