

Dec 1, 2023

AoC23 - Lessons Learned on Day 1

This year, I am doing three “languages” for AoC. I am doing JS, Python, and Bash. I selected JS as I have students who will want help, so I want to make sure I can guide them. Python is my own personal choice. Bash is something my husband wanted to do so I can learn it as he just knocks em out the ball park.

Here are a few things I have learned from each language that I want to remember


  • In regex for JS, /\d/ is the same as /[0-9]/
  • This is cursed: list.split("").reverse().join("").match('/\d/[...]').split('').reverse().join(''); …but it works. (Also massive thank you to Nicholas and Menno as they totally showed me a cursed style.)


  • .isDigit() is a thing.


  • Bash scripts need chmod +x so it can be called: ./script.sh
  • mapfile is powerful when trying to put values into an array from a file
  • Arrays are declared with spaces between the values list=("value1" "valut2" "value3")
  • For Loops are weird. Not at all how I expected the syntax.
for value in "${list[@]}"; do
  # do some stuff