

While my goal with this blog was to write something daily, I did not do that last year. In fact, I only did a few blogs and I’m okay with that. This is, after all, meant to be a bit of a side project for me. So I am going to be taking a slightly different approach this year with this blog.

Reflections on the Past

One of the things I did with this blog was put on anonymous analytics. I wanted to see if I kept referring back to certain posts of mine, or if others found my content useful. I am actually a bit shocked by the numbers!

  • Over 900 visitors
  • Over 1.6K page views
  • Almost 2m 30s session duration
  • Most Popular Post: Desktop Shortcuts for Pop_OS!
  • Second Most Popular Post: Lutris Error 256 Battlenet
  • Every single informational posts, or tutorial, had almost 30 visitors or more.
  • My posts on how to run games, or mods, on Linux was by far the most popular set of content I have.
  • Top countries that actually read content: US, Russia, Germany, UK
  • 80% of visitors were Desktop users, and I had 1 tablet users. I honestly expected more mobile.

Where my own time went

For me, I spent a lot of time refreshing my knowledge and skills in security (focus on blue/red team skills), dev, and general programming. I also learned how to knit, cook some new things, and gamed. As always I read a lot of books as well. I also enjoyed holding free training lessons for those interested in getting into security, programming, web development, and other tech based skill areas.

The future of this blog

I’m going to continue to add useful tid-bits of knowledge that I do not want to forget, but also posts for when someone has asked me a question and I want to make sure the answer I give is available to all. I’m also going to see if I can settle on a post a week. Time slips past fast at my age, so that may not be a guarantee, but I am still going to give it a go.

But I want it now!

I’ve added a page to this blog known as the Now page. This page will show at a glance the tech I am playing with, the games that hold my interest, books I’m consuming, Twitch streamers I am watching, and content creators I am consuming. It may also include random thoughts about things going on in the world. Basically, this answers the question of “What am I doing?”.

I was inspired to do this by a post I read from Derek Sivers.